Foodlocker Limited Farming-as-a-Service for Large Buyers

Cover image of Foodlocker Limited, Agritech venture on VC4A

Foodlocker Limited

Foodlocker Limited

Foodlocker supplies farm produce and consumer goods to large buyers by using data science and demand-matching technologies to optimize the yields of smallholder farmers and to prevent side-selling. We use our technology ( to inform smallholder farmers about what to produce (demand), when to produce (timing), how to produce (Good Agricultural Practices), and for whom to produce (customer segments). In addition, we provide inputs, access to capital and expert advisers and secure guaranteed steady markets for the smallholder farmers.

Hence, when they produce, we can sell all their output using our omnichannel distribution system that includes e-commerce (, key account managers and warehouse stores.

Sectors Agritech, E-commerce, Retail and wholesale
Location Ibadan, Nigeria
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