is a social impact start up that allows financially stressed, vulnerable, hungry households and individuals take delivery of safe, healthy and nutritious food items from small holder farmers and fast moving consumer goods companies upfront while they conveniently pay later. We leverage technology to strengthen household resilience to hunger by providing short term food loans to reduce food wastes, increase consumers’ demand, purchase, and consumption of safe nutritious foods and healthy diets. With, Hungry families no longer have to beg or engage in crime and other social vices before they put food on the table, We do not only put food on the table we also restore family pride and dignity. with our innovation, women and children in low-income communities will no longer reduce their calorie intake or compromise nutrition, this positive shift in consumption will have long lasting positive impact on the cognitive development of young children.SectorsAgritech, Crop farming, Food and beverageLocationIbadan, NigeriaStageSign in to view detailsMarketsSign in to view detailsCustomer modelSign in to view detailsRevenueSign in to view detailsSupported byStartupbootcamp Afritech > iNOVO by UK-Nigeria Tech HubContactSign in to view detailsSocial media Articles Meet the 11 Nigerian Innovators selected for the UK-Nigeria Tech Hub iNOVO Accelerator ProgramEarlier this year, the UK-Nigeria Tech Hub in partnership with Startupbootcamp AfriTech and Ventures Platform Foundation, announced its iNOVO program – a 3-month digital… read more
Meet the 11 Nigerian Innovators selected for the UK-Nigeria Tech Hub iNOVO Accelerator ProgramEarlier this year, the UK-Nigeria Tech Hub in partnership with Startupbootcamp AfriTech and Ventures Platform Foundation, announced its iNOVO program – a 3-month digital… read more