Flexcoord is a software as a service company (SAAS) that provides an all-in-one-digital solution for organizations to adequately and cost efficiently manage their day-to-day business. It is a private limited liability company with cooperate registration number 1858511 and cooperate address at new millennium city Dan Honno 2, Kaduna state, Flexcoord also operate in Lagos Nigeria with operational address at 2 olorunfunmi street charly boy gbagada Lagos. it is registered with the Cooperate affairs commission of Nigeria on the 3rd of November 2021.
Flexcoord offers both software development consultancy services and a product that consist of various modules which are inter-related and work as one to help organisation function well in the new trends in workforce dynamics shifting to a hybrid and remote working patterns leveraging technology. Flexcoord Serviceable obtainable (SOM) market is $1.17 Billion, selling the product at it current least price of $7.5 per user per month.
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