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FLECHE TECHNOLOGIE sarl We specialize in the design of digital media



The MOTEMA project is part of the expansion of the activities of FLECHE TECHNOLOGY SARL (FLECHTECH), a Congolese start-up (DRC), an OHADA law society registered under: RCCM: CD/KNG/RCCM/13-B-0359 and Id. Nat: 01-83-N740868S. This company is in the field of technological innovation. It is specialized in the design and realization of digital media such as: telephones, smartphones, tablet PCs and Laptops and others.

The name Motema means ” Heart ” In Lingala, one of the national languages of the DRC. This word crystallizes the passion and love of the creator of Motema towards the DRC and all of Africa. The vision of FlechTech through this project is not only to equip the DRC with an industrial plant for assembly and manufacturing of telephones, smartphones, PC tablets and laptops, but also to enable the DRC to dine at the table of ” Great “.

SectorsClean technology and energy, Education, Enterprise software
LocationCongo, Democratic Republic of the
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