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FarmCorps Bridging the grain demand gap; connecting farmers to market

Cover image of FarmCorps, Agribusiness venture on VC4A

A platform that enables food companies to source sustainably, locally produced, quality agri-raw materials from clusters of smallholder farmers as forward contracts. We provide financing and products to smallholder farmers in emerging markets to meet the growing grain demands of food companies. Our product to the farmers provides them with input as credit, data-driven advisory, insurance, and access to market while improving the lives of the farmers.

Our process involves farmer onboarding & training, farm mapping, input distribution, farm monitoring, harvesting, grain storage, inventory management, etc

We are on a mission to provide innovative technological solutions for the unlocking of values and resources that will drive efficiency geared toward sustainable food production.

Sectors Agribusiness, Agritech, Enterprise software
Location Lagos, Nigeria
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