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Ever veggie farm How sweet the ground


1. Lucas Mndewa : Microbiologist, Mr Lucas he is our microbiologist who d Supervise and conduct research on various microbiological activities on a regular basis, Perform laboratory analysis on all materials after appropriate sterilization, Perform tests on component samples, conduct an analysis and initiate corrective measures. Luca he is my business partner since the open of the company.

2. Thangale: Agronomist, Mr thangale he is our senor agronomist he has been working with us and partner to our company since its beginning before joining us he had more than 30 yeas as an agronomist and worked with various agriculture institutions as head of departments and participates in different projects he study soil, plants, seeds, and products to better understand crop needs and develop more effective and efficient farming practical.

3. George masaka : Finance director oversee the financial operations of an organization. He advise on investment plans, monitoring the company’s finan