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75 - 100 50 - 75 0 - 50

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Eureka vision business EVB


  • Dec 2020
    Founding date
    The venture started operations.
  • Jan 2021
    First created a prototype
    There is a prototype of the product or service.
  • Jan 2021
    First piloted the product or service
    There are prospective clients using the product or service.
  • Feb 2021
    Secured first paying customer
    The first paying customer is secured.
  • Feb 2021
    First reached break-even
    The venture has reached a financial break-even.
  • Mar 2021
    First generated a profit
    The venture generates a profit.
  • Mar 2021
    First audited annual accounts
    There are audited annual accounts.
  • Apr 2021
    Added the management team
    There is a management team in place.
  • May 2021
    First created a pitch deck
    There is a pitch deck explaining the venture.
  • May 2021
    Added an advisory board
    There is an advisory board in place.
  • Jun 2021
    Added a board of directors
    There is a board of directors in place.
  • Incorporate the venture
    The venture is a legal registered entity.
  • Secured external funding
    The venture has secured funding from a third party.