Year in year out as a medical doctor in the field, I encounter patients presenting with symptoms of food contamination. After running my little research in my state, a huge factor contributing to the symptoms of patients is how their meat is being processed. Most of the meat being sold comes from the local abattoirs which are grossly unhygienic. Most of the time after chickens are slaughter they are dressed with very dirty water and handled by locals who are illiterate. More-so the abattoirs are becoming inaccessible to the educated middle class as the access roads to them are un-motorable due to poor drainage of the local markets. My venture intends to solve these challenges by having a mini abattoir on the farm where all varieties of animals will be slaughtered, processed and packaged. After which they will be delivered to consumers at their homes or offices in real time. Orders will be taken through phone calls, WhatsApp messages, SMS messages, and social media accounts.
Sectors | Agritech, Animal farming, Crop farming, Fish farming |
Location | Kaduna, Nigeria |
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