We have a dream: that all human beings have the legacy of humanity within reach of their hands to reach their potential. For this we transform a basic cell phone into an audio reproduction device, such as Spotify, Voice Assistant and Artificial Intelligence with this we bring education to all corners of the world where you can make a simple call, a #CallToEducate. 6 out of 10 people in developing countries do not have the technology tools they need to continue their education. This disadvantage makes it difficult for this population to overcome poverty and lack of knowledge, which could result in the loss of human potential. To help people without the Internet access the cultural knowledge of humanity We are created EducALL: Calls To Educate EducALL: Calls to Educate is the effective cost solution that the world needs to close the information gap Sectors Artificial intelligence, EdTech Location Bogotá, Colombia Stage Sign in to view details Markets Sign in to view details Customer model Sign in to view details Revenue Sign in to view details Supported by BIOGUIA Efecto Colibrí ES2 LATAM Contact Sign in to view details Social media