Team The directory consists of 3 partners: Lisseth, Alejandra and Mariana. When we need third-party advice, we ask our expert allies on the topics of their feedback. Lisseth, an industrial engineer with experience in statistics and research. He directs the development of the community of collection centers and the commercial area. Alejandra, an engineer with experience in education and research. Directs user and marketing community development. Mariana, MBA with experience in international business development. He directs digital development and institutional relations. At the senior level there are 2 pax: Ana, with experience in marketing and environment systems. It handles social media and user requests. Nury, a graphic designer who brings Ecolana to life in an easy language. Karlita, consultant for strategy development with experience in market research. In the Junior area we have x1 scholarship and x1 subcontracted web programmer.