Team Mr. Adan Mohammed, CEO & Co-founder Bsc. Engineering at Kenyatta University. He worked in the feed manufacturing industry at Nyati Feeds as an engineer before starting his own feed milling company. Dr. Starlin Farah, COO & Co-founder Medical Practitioner (MBChB), Kenyatta U. Has worked in research of the BSF with ICIPE, Kenya and is one of the leading researchers in this field. Both Co-founders hold a 87% shareholding in Ecodudu through a holding company on a 50/50 split. Ms. Rahima Nassir, CTO Master’s degree in Microbiology. Previously worked at Kenya Bureau of Standards. Leads our tech team and handles research internally and with partners. Abdulrahim Noor, Head of Operations, BSc. Biotechnology. Previously production specialist at ADFERT and Kinoko Farms. Ms. Roselyne Aleyo, Tech Lead, Bachelor in Microbiology. Previously worked at Kenya Medical Research Institute Head of outgrow