Easyshop Mobile Marketing cc Unleash the POWER of Retail

Cover image of Easyshop Mobile Marketing cc, Big data venture on VC4A

We are building a digital platform that powers integrated digital promotions for bricks and mortar retailers through targeted and personalized ads.

Valuable retail insights are being lost in the African retail industry because of the disconnect between retailers and shoppers. Often time’s shoppers do not have the
latest pricing information and the purchase potential falls through the cracks of
impersonal promotions.

We are developing a Digital Marketing Platform for retailers and shoppers that enables
shoppers to save more, and retailers to understand more, which in effect creates a community of connected and smart retail.
Our Portal allows retailers to plan for and place promotions and analyze real-time data on shopper behavior.
Our Mobile application enables shoppers to know which products are on promotion, compare prices, and know if the products they are looking for are readily available.

Sectors Big data, Information technology, Retail
Location Windhoek, Namibia
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