Dombyke Farms became involved in agriculture to help Nigeria reach food sustainability. We then became involved in optimized healthy integrated farming to provide healthy food for improved health choice to people. People are a product of what they take in and we want to contribute our quota and make impact in the lives of as many people as we can through the provision of healthy and affordable food. We offer internship program to youths and plan to empower girls and women in particular by training them in the farm and setting them up to start their own businesses as well as serve as the off-takers for their products. Partnering with Dombyke Farms will give you an opportunity to make an impact in the following areas: 1. Be part of the revolution of providing healthy and affordable food to the Nigerians 2. Empower a woman entrepreneur 3. Reduce unemployment 4. Alleviate poverty in Nigeria due to ripples effect of Dombyke Farms operations We will like to have you on b Sectors Agribusiness, Animal farming, Fish farming Location Lagos, Nigeria Stage Sign in to view details Markets Sign in to view details Customer model Sign in to view details Revenue Sign in to view details Contact Sign in to view details Social media