Doktuz We care about transforming the Health System


We consider that the Doktuz Management Team has in common 3 aspects:

● The team wants to participate in building something bigger for the society in order to reduce the inequalities in pur healthcare system.

● Everyone has had one or more experiences frustrating and traumatic in health, which makes feel empathy and a strong motivation to promote the change that Doktuz seeks.

● Experience in social work and jobs that they seek to achieve a positive impact on society.

Abraham Abramovitz (Founder & CEO).

Simon Fishman (Shareholder, Vice Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of Quimpac)

Alex Gliksman (Shareholder & Chairman of IEQSA)

Daniel Niego (Co-founder & Chief Evangelist Officer)

Jose Carlos Veliz (Co-Founder & Shareholder)

Alfonso Bedoya (Co-founder & COO)

Alexander Epstein (Co-founder & CFO).