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DokitaEyes DokitaEyes, the health record has no price!

A secure and confidential digital health record, accompanied by an accompanying service in the medical course in a hospital setting, and a delivery service.
DokitaEyes allows:
-to a patient to take an RDV, to call a doctor, to keep his own symptoms for a remote follow up of his doctor, to pay his medication and analyses without travel; – to a caring staff to follow his patient from his symptom notes, to make diagnoses, to prescribe analyses and prescriptions, to exchange with other health professionals on the platform, to give patients to his patients, and receive payments via the platform; – to a pharmacist and a laboratory to indicate following a presentation of a prescription or newsletter Digital analysis, the availability of the product/analysis and thus enabling the patient to pay remotely, to collect the payments made.

SectorsBiotechnology and medical research, Healthcare, Healthcare providers and services
LocationLomé, Togo
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