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Djazy Ci Sarl Les meilleurs fonctionnalités dans vos poches

Cover image of Djazy Ci Sarl, Adtech venture on VC4A

A few years ago, I was working as a freelance web developer. One day, one of my clients asked me if there was an online platform on which he could regularly exchange articles with other users. After some research, I found that there was no platform offering this feature. In addition, more and more customers were asking me to add local features to their websites.

That’s when I decided to co-found with colleagues, a platform that allows advertisers, service providers and online shops to promote their activities to a target clientele using local features such as barter, trading and mobile payments. Our goal is to digitize local methods for advertisers, service providers and online shops. We are proud to offer a unique solution for advertisers who want to target a specific audience in their region using geolocation features.

Secteurs Adtech, Commerce électronique, Logiciel d'entreprise
Emplacement Côte D’Ivoire
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