This company was born from the findings of illnesses related to the nutritional deficiencies of children. According to the report SUN MOVEMENT of Côte d’ Ivoire 2019, 43 % of the population of Côte d’ Ivoire suffer from nutritional deficiencies. 22 % of children less than five (5) have a growth delay, 15 % low birth weight. In women more than 50 % suffer from Anemia. Our solution is to produce semolina and infant food flour based on sweet potato (Orange and violet) enriched with cashew almonds that meet the nutritional needs of the population. This food flour is used to prepare a boiled and succulent purée that brings all the nutritional supplements necessary for the well-being of the organism In addition, we work with 100 women of our agricultural cooperatives who are our suppliers of raw material. Thus we will contribute to the increase in the income of these women, therefore, to their empowerment. Sectors Agribusiness, Crop farming, Food production Location Agboville, Côte d'Ivoire Stage Sign in to view details Markets Sign in to view details Customer model Sign in to view details Revenue Sign in to view details Supported by Orange Corners - HQ Contact Sign in to view details Social media