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Diginue Technology Limited We provides low-cost and high-safety holistic energy storage solutions

Cover image of Diginue Technology Limited, Clean technology and energy venture on VC4A

Energy storage products are the key to reach the CO 2 emission peak and achieve carbon neutrality the future market is worth trillions

Cost and safety are the decisive factors for the promotion of energy storage systems

technological innovations on anode cathode pole pieces, electrolyte formula, fire extinguishing thermal control system, heat conducting fire
extinguishing tube, flammable fume collection, production process of the lithium battery, D T has obtained mor e than 200 patents and successfully solved three major problems ( heat dissipation short circuit) that the large capacity battery has been facing Over setting the current design concept of lithium batteries and systems, D T has successfully developed a lithium battery pack with the world’s largest capacity which is revolutionary to the upgrade of energy storage technologies

No 1 in the world in capacity of single battery pack cycle life, safety and use cost

SectorsClean technology and energy, Renewable energy, Solar power
LocationLagos, Nigeria
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