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Diagnosoft Healthcare Ltd Helping Radiologists diagnose diseases faster and with higher accuracy


Kabuu Kihara – CEO & Co-founder. Kabuu is an social entrepreneur with a focus on building social enterprises that positively impact the communities and solve some of the world’s big problems. He has a background in Computer Science, he has experience in building teams and solving challenges using innovation through various ventures he has undertaken and leadership positions in the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Jesse Muraya- COO & Co-founder. Jesse is a serial entrepreneur with over 12 years of experience in the space, he is passionate about building ventures in Africa that empower Africans across all industries, he is an advocate for SME’s on the Continent through the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He plays a big role in the strart-up space in the Kenyan ecosystem through a platform he has created for founders to meet and access financing and advice from industry leaders.