Dent Agrisystems Providing Food for All

Cover image of Dent Agrisystems, Agritech venture on VC4A

As the world’s population grows, the demands for increased food production is high and stresses on resources such as land, water and nutrients become even greater. There is an urgent need to find alternative methods to provide this food. We seek to enhance optimization of limited space especially in urban areas in a manner that empowers financially poor urban households while protecting the environment through an innovation called Aquaponics Hub. This technology integrates aquaculture, hydroponics, renewable energy and IoT to provide a sustainable, reliable and ecologically sound alternative food production method. Here, fish and vegetables are
produced without soil or inorganic fertilizer. Waste from fishes serve as manure for vegetables. Our USP is the ability of users to monitor key factors affecting plant growth and water quality with help of sensors and a mobile app. The mobile app also serves as a platform for users to learn and market their produce.

Sectors Agritech, Crop farming, Fish farming, Internet of things (IoT)
Location Kasoa, Ghana
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