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De-Olivette Enterprise Think Green

Cover image of De-Olivette Enterprise, Tecnología limpia venture on VC4A

D-Olivette produces domestic and user-friendly digestion technology that processes organic and biodegradable waste into more food and energy. Our digesters such as the Kitchen Box™ turns household (OW) organic waste into biogas and makes it usable like common LPG gas for zero-Co2-emission, and super-fast cooking. Our larger capacity digester units transforms organic waste into fertilizer, and carbon-neutral electricity for off-grid settlements with the aid of any type of modified combustion engines. Our products are affordable, comes with 5 years warranty and are fused with IoT cloud-based remote system to monitor in real time biogas-to-heat-energy and electricity plus OW to fertilizer ratio

Sectores Tecnología limpia, Servicios medioambientales, Energía renovable
Ubicación Lagos, Nigeria
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