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Construex CONSTRUEX is a saas/ vertical construction and design marketplace.


Roberto Arroyo (51%), CEO, Kedge Business School (Euromed), M. Sc. Business Administration, 2009; Universidad San Francisco de Quito, B.A. Business Administration & Marketing, 2007. I founded Autocompartido (, a sustainable mobility carpool platform to share trips and reduce pollution in Latin America and ARTEX (, an art exhibitor to connect artists with their potential customers.

Nicolás Arroyo (25%), CFO, University of New Orleans, MBA, 2019; Universidad San Francisco de Quito, B.A. Business Administration & Finances, 2011. He cofounded Autocompartido and Artex.

Sven Gloor, CTO (7%), Univerisy of Bern, M.Sc. Business Administration & Marketing, 2014; University of Bern, B.A. Business Administration, 2011. He has extensive multicultural working experience.

Carolina Arroyo (10%), Head of international Expansion, CLO; Bucerius Law School and Otto Beisheim School of Management, Master of Law and Business, 2012. She worked for 9 years as attorney.