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Comdatech Pty Ltd Providing end-to-end "Smart Tech" solutions for our agri-customers.

Cover image of Comdatech Pty Ltd, Agritech venture on VC4A

In Africa, theft of valuable produce, livestock and wildlife have a huge impact on the sustainability of farming these producein the agricultural sector.

Comdatech have therefore developed “OnGuard”, a LoRaWAN based perimeter fence intrusion detector which identifies intrusions and sends an alert to smart devices of relevant responders in close to real time. identifying within 50m on a geo-location map where the intrusion is, it also describes the location of the intrusion and provides the GPS co-ordinates of the sector intruded.

This allows for a rapid and targeted response.

The system is designed to be extremely resistant to false alarms.

Secteurs Agritech, Internet-des-choses, Stockage d'eau
Emplacement White River, Afrique Du Sud
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