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Civic Voices The Public Participation Platform

Cover image of Civic Voices, Big data venture on VC4A

At Civic Voices, we are working to build more inclusive and equal democracies where every voice counts, and very individual, everywhere, has the power to influence decisions that affect their lives.
We facilitate inclusive and meaningful public participation through a mobile app, the Civic Voices app.
Civic Voices app is a collaborative mobile platform that informs and involves common citizens in policy and law making processes. It enables you and I to take part in public participation activities, wherever we are.

Our mobile platform helps governments, donor partners and civil society organizations who want to achieve inclusive and meaningful public participation and equal development, by enabling quick, easy and indiscriminate access to public participation information, and providing an effective and dependable means to collect public views on bills and policies under discussion.

SectorsBig data, Information technology, Mobile
LocationNairobi, Kenya
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