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Centro Mexicano de Rehabilitación de Primates, A.C primates helping primates

Centro Mexicano de Rehabilitación de Primates, A.C

Centro Mexicano de Rehabilitación de Primates, A.C

1. Primates in Mexico are threatened and represent a faunistic and cultural wealth poorly managed by the communities in their distribution areas (south, southeast of Mexico). In their coexistence with humans, they prefer to hunt them and receive a little money for it, which is unsustainable (and illegal) 2. We recover primates in captivity, rehabilitate and release them, under SEMARNAT protocols and the guidance of our experienced primatologists. The liberation is a summit event of all our work that can be documented-including streaming-and to which you can link sponsoring brands that anchor the process, through a dedicated communication campaign in which we disseminate to your brands. 3. Of course, counting with means that understand the final objective and that help in the dissemination brings content and allows us to do it at a reasonable cost for our sponsors, which is what we called the interest of its call

Secteurs Éducation, Services environnementaux, Production des médias
Emplacement Ciudad de México, Mexique
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