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Central Park Bees Limited (Swahili Honey) We bring to market a world-class and ethically sourced honey.

More than 70% of Tanzanians live in rural areas and they depend on agriculture to survive. The drying climate, unstable market prices for their produce, and lack of access to local and global markets are the main three challenges keeping these farmers in the cycle of poverty.

Swahili Honey is a sustainable beekeeping and honey production brand that aggregates and sells high-quality honey produced by its network of rural smallholder farmers, empowering them to take control of their own lives. Swahili Honey gives farmers access to free beekeeping training, access to advanced beekeeping equipment loans, extension services, and a guaranteed market for the honey they produce. Our business model focuses on eliminating middleman who tends to exploit farmers by paying lower prices for their honey.

LocationTanzania, United Republic of
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