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Cedijob Hire on demand, achieve more

Cover image of Cedijob, Services métier venture on VC4A



Faucets gets leaky, air conditioning stops blowing cold air and a manager needs a designer for a one time animation project. These are needs people come across in their homes and workplaces but most of the time, they do not know a qualified person to help them address it in less than 24 hours. This often leads to frustration and the pain of living with the problem for longer. is an online platform where service professionals (freelancers and artisans) are linked with customers who need their services instantly. The way we work across the world is changing. Technological advances has also changed the way we want things – we want it now, faster, efficient and cheaper. Cedijob is designed to satisfy these needs and provide Ghanaians with the most reliable and trusted on demand service providers who serve different skill/service requirements.

Secteurs Services métier, RH et recrutement, Logiciel en tant que service
Emplacement Accra, Ghana
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