CashBackApp Earn cash back from your everyday shopping

Cover image of CashBackApp, Marketing and PR venture on VC4A

30% to 40% of most middle to low-income household’s monthly budget in Africa is food and groceries and this cost continue to increase; any saving off this budget would go a long way in helping these families. At the same time, most consumers in Africa have access to a mobile phone yet Fast Moving Consumer Goods Companies (FMCGs) have been unable to use mobile as a channel to drive their sales.

CashBackApp is an app that helps consumers save on their shopping by rewarding them with cash back via mpesa for buying products promoted by FMCGs on the platform. We save the shopper save up to 15% of their grocery shopping

All the consumer needs to do is to scan their receipt in to the app after shopping at their favourite supermarket and we use use machine learning and OCR on the receipt to award cash back against items on promotion

SectorsMarketing and PR, Online analytics, Retail
LocationNairobi, Kenya
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