Team Roverosa C. Quinday – Project coordinator, has worked as a marketing officer for Secosana Dale Franco B. Llentic – Project Leader, is a veterinarian and was the regional Veterinary Quarantine officer in Northern Mindanao. He Is an alumnus of the Food Processing program of the OIE (TAFE South Australia) and is also an alumnus of the Knowledge program (Global One Health, Wageningen University, the Netherlands) Rey B. Sumugat – Project Engineer, Worked for G.MKV Industrial Automation Inc., as design and installation specialist, Worked for TAGLIAFERRI COSTRUZIONI SRL., as CAD Designer, Worked for EUROCONSULT di Arsena Massimiliano, Italy as Designer for electrical and heating systems. Worked for Mindanao Grains Corp., Malaybalay, Bukidnon as an engineering supervisor. Elmer Vina – is a professional accountant, he is the project finance officer. Romnel Wency Antoni – Project Environmental Scientist, was an instructor in the Department of Environmental Science and