Team Luisa Fernanda Tovar Position Director of Territorial Sustainable Development. PhD Candidate in Economics from the National University of Colombia. Public Accountant, Master in Population and Development Sciences with emphasis in Development Projects and Programs from the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium). KAREN LORENA BRUGES SOLORZANO Position Director of Gender and Empathy Professional in Social Work, International Speaker, Trainer, Social and Business Consultant and Social Entrepreneur. CEO in Mujeres Violeta we create inclusive and high impact international spaces for female empowerment generating a Sorority network with actions in Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, United States. Entrepreneurship Mentor | Online Speaker | Life Purpose | Creator of the Better Key System Methodology – BKS | Gender Equality. LINA MARCELA CATAÑO BEDOYA POSITION-Director of Innovation and New Product Development Product design engineer from EAFIT University, with a degree in