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Arena Recycling Company Environment, Recycling ,Circular Economy, Water and sanitation


Ms.HellenaSailas (25 YEARS),A Medical Laboratory Scientist , Founder and CEO at Arena Recycling Industry. She have been recognized by The Economic Group World Ocean Initiative as one of the few women globally who are doing positive activities for ocean impact

Mr AilarsDavid(24 Years Old)Holds Bsc in Aquatic sciences and aquaculture, Chief Operational Officer At Arena Recycling Industry ,Hub president/Leader Sustainable Ocean Alliance Tanzania, has implemented number of successful community impact projects raising awareness on the plastic pollutions in the ocean and organizing beach cleans up

Mr. Zagalo Emanuel (23 yrs old): Holds BSc. In Metallurgy and Mineral Processing Engineering, he is the CTO and Co-founder at Arena Recycling Industry using his engineering expertise through the polymer sand technology to recycle plastic wastes into Eco bricks.

Ms. ZuhuraShaweji (23 Yrs old): A Science Teacher ,Co-founder At Arena Recycling Industry ,Co-Coordinator of Earth Day Networ