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Aprende más. Centro de Aprendizaje Integral Cognitive, emotional and social skills of children and young people

Many of the situations of violence, mental illness, school and work exclusion that occur in adolescence and adulthood could be prevented by early intervention of children in situations of vulnerability in neuropsychological, affective and social areas. Situations that are hidden behind the denial of parents, the absence of teacher training and even labels on development conditions. We promote early stimulation and intelligence development to maximize cognitive, motor, emotional, and social capabilities.
Our approach is systemic and integrative of development, because it takes into account the areas of neurodevelopment and identifies the strengths and weaknesses with a global and systemic view of the children, in the multiple spaces in which they make life: the school, the family and from there we build an “Integral Assessment 360” and a personalized Intervention Program

SectorsHealthcare providers and services
LocationCaracas, Venezuela
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