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App-Credit by Grupo Nueva Economía App-Credit makes business education and financing easier.


Carola Capra
Title/Role: Founder of App-Credit, Director of Grupo Nueva Economía
Education: Communication and MBA
Qualifications: Fellow Ashoka
Startup Experience: Her journey began with the magazine “Nueva Economía,” continued with contests for Entrepreneurial Ideas, followed by in-person training, then combined courses, she launched “Red Nueva Empresa,” and ultimately created App-Credit and Cerco Verde.

Luciana Mujía:
Title/Role: Project and Innovation Manager, Grupo Nueva Economía
Education: Graduated with excellence in Business Administration
Qualifications: Specialized in brand and project development with significant social impact in Latin America.
Startup Experience: Solid experience in project management and brand creation, emphasizing innovation for value generation.
Carola and Luciana co-founded Cerco Verde, a startup for Amazon preservation that has was distinguished with the title of “Top Innovator” 2022 by Uplink, an initiative of the World Economic Foru