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Antu Tecnologías Transmitting the energy to your food

Cover image of Antu Tecnologías, Énergie renouvelable venture on VC4A

Antu Tecnologías

Antu Tecnologías

We believe that renewable energy and environmental awareness must be part of our daily lives, and that sustainability must be fundamental to the engine of development.

In Antu Tecnologías we are dedicated to research and development of alternatives to tackle climate change, promoting products that bring energy efficiency, sustainability, and the circular economy to the homes of the future.

With the development of Antu Cocina Solar ®, our purpose is to bring solar energy closer together as simple as possible, starting from an activity as basic as cooking.

Antu, is the first high-efficiency solar kitchen of the WORLD produced under a circular economy model.

Secteurs Énergie renouvelable, Solutions Smart city, Énergie solaire
Emplacement Providencia, Chili
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