Aiscarecrow Technologies your intelligent pest control

Cover image of Aiscarecrow Technologies, Agribusiness venture on VC4A

Cereal farmers are faced with the daunting task of scaring birds off their farmers losing on average 15-20 percentage of their production. These loses amount to over 80 million dollars annually according to the FAO. This daunting task requires farmers to spend an average of 8-10 hours of productive time in the process. Some farmers resort to using chemicals which are harmful.
Our solution involves the use of a system that deals directly with the natural fear instincts of the birds hence minimizing the risk of habituation by them. Using both aural and visual aids, the aural aids consists of sounds that are biologically understood by the birds and most importantly deal with their natural fear instincts. The visual aid consist of a humanoid drone that give a false sense of impending danger. This is proven to be more effective that the conventional methods being used.

Sectors Agribusiness, Crop farming, Farm machinery
Location Accra, Ghana
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