Agua de Sol SAS We are making water out of air

Cover image of Agua de Sol SAS, Technologie propre venture on VC4A

Agua de Sol SAS

Agua de Sol SAS

Agua de Sol has invented the SunAir Fountain, which looks like a solar panel but is rather a « water panel », which produces fresh water, capturing moisture in the air at night and condensing it into water next day, thanks to solar heat.

Water is produced locally, onsite, in full autonomy.

No need of electricity/ grid, no need of any source of water.

Simple, low tech, robust, low maintenance, low consumable, …, fully scalable and replicable…

Secteurs Technologie propre, Systèmes communautaires d'approvisionnement en eau, Services d'eau
Emplacement Marrakech, Maroc
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