Agrisiti The City Farmers

Cover image of Agrisiti, Agribusiness venture on VC4A

The protein deficit in Nigeria, for just poultry meat, eggs, and fish, is estimated to be at about $8.7 billion as of 2020. Local farmers have only been able to cater for about 30% of the nation’s demand, thereby making Nigeria hugely dependent on imported food items. The recent clampdown on importation and longer marketing channels have resulted in skyrocketing food prices, the effect mostly felt in urban cities like Lagos.
We have created a unique tech-based infrastructure called a Smart-Agri Pyramid System (SAP-Sys) that allows the simultaneous cultivation of poultry, fishes, and vegetables in an ecofriendly manner utilizing a small space. Due to its circular symbiotic model, SAP-Sys users can effectively save at least 25% of the cost a farmer would incur in managing the same volume in a traditional way. Most importantly, users are provided with a system that can earn them a decent livelihood via a responsive support system and prompt product off-take arrangement.

Sectors Agribusiness, Farm machinery, Fish farming
Location Lagos, Nigeria
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