Here is our Best fit Leadership Team;
-Puemi Prisca who is a Food Processing Engineer with interest in the nutritional content of our products. Her role is the quality control of our entry products (raw materials) and finished products (Drinks and Cakes), acting as the Production and Development Lead. Elodie Blanche is an MSc. in Marketing & Communication, with years of experience in the field for products and services, very timely in a period where we are about to launch services in our market portfolio. -Ticha Takum Clifford is our Financial consultant since March 2020 till now; a strong expert in accounting who helps in keeping our monthly, quarterly and annual papers right and sound. He acts as our Logistics and Finance Lead;
-Justine Ambe our Administrative Assistant, whose job is to link up with the external environment of the company (consultants, contractors, customers,..) as well as keep the management informed of weekly schedules and also in charge of record keeping