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ADMINLES Career Guidance made Simple

Cover image of ADMINLES, E-learning venture on VC4A

ADMINLES the only companion you will ever need on your career planning journey, from assisting in finding your ideal career which you will enjoy to matching you with schools and institutions that cater to your dreams and we help with funding strategies so you don’t have too.

ADMINLES uses the Myers Briggs Personality type Indicator to give you career options that cater to your talents and traits. we have a detailed career library with information and videos aimed at helping you make an informed decision.

we have an array of institutions both local and international including the subject and academic requirements necessary for you to enter their programs

we offer a wide variety of funding options our dedicated team has sourced multiple funding options beyond the traditional route and you only just fill in one application form.

ADMINLES is an amalgamation of services that have existed in isolation from each other, we have brought everything together to make planning sim

SectorsE-learning, Educational services, ICT
LocationJohannesburg, South Africa
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