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Adjemin Fintech, marketplace, ecommerce

Cover image of Adjemin, Fintech venture on VC4A

40% of online orders with cash payment are canceled.
No money back guarantee when buying with a third party on social networks.
Excessive fees and too long repayment times for online payments on existing marketplaces (1 month).
Sellers find it difficult to manage deliveries in an environment where there are few serious delivery services.

To respond to these difficulties, we offer Adjemin which is a mobile application allowing you to:
– Sell on Adjemin, on social networks via short link generated and on the online store we can offer for free.
– An Adjemin account allows you to have an online store to accept online and cash payments.
– We offer instant refund of funds to sellers.
– We automate your deliveries with the logistics partners that we have integrated.

Secteurs Fintech, Technologie de l'information, Commerce de détail
Emplacement Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire
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