Pedro Monteros Valdivieso. CEO A&D Real Time. email:pedrocamilomonteros@gmail.com, tlf: +34622403730, Cofounder of Taronja TICs.
Santiago Padron Romero. General Manager, email: thiagoalbo@gmail.com, tlf: +593994912140, Founder of PUNTAMADRE.
Zeina Halasa del Carmelo. Financial manager, email: zeina.halaseh@gmail.com, tlf: +34622404353, Cofounder of Taronja TICs.
María José Mesías. Audiovisual producer, email: mariajosemesias@gmail.com, tlf: +593992741498. Founder Krisalida.
Paúl Peñaherrera Cevallos. Storytelling producer, email:ppaulpc@gmail.com, tlf: +593983567562. Founder GOLAZO.EC
Yonathan Moreda. 3D animation and modelling, email: yodsign@gmail.com, tlf: +34607426668. Founder La MOSCA productions.
Ricardo Proaño Oliva. Musical producer. email: rickproo@gmail.com, tlf: +593984692078.
Marcia Villafuerte Guayasamin. Communication and Marketing.
Francisco Vega. Animation and Digitalization producer.
Roberto Proaño Oliva.Animation and Digitalizatio