Accompanied Health Initiative (ACHI) Advancing access to quality and affordable healthcare in rural Uganda

Cover image of Accompanied Health Initiative (ACHI), Pharmaceuticals venture on VC4A

ACHI exists to advance access to quality and affordable healthcare for rural and poor elderly in Uganda aged 55 years and older. We envision healthy and thriving African families and communities where everyone especially the elderly, rural and urban poor and the most in need attaining dignified healthcare.
We leverage our network of trained health professionals embedded in rural communities to provide the following core services.
• Home-based elderly care
• Telehealth services for the elderly through a toll-free helpline
• Elderly specialized clinical care through our community clinics and partner providers
• ACHI Family Health Fund for Ugandan working adults to support their elders’ healthcare costs
• Grant- based program for the ultra-poor unable to afford the healthcare services
ACHI brings the first of its kind home-based healthcare in rural Uganda. Research has proven that home-based care for the elderly is much safer and cost-effective.

Sectors Pharmaceuticals
Location Kampala, Uganda
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