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Aberdare Agglomere Ltd. Healthily, Conveniently Feeding the World

Cover image of Aberdare Agglomere Ltd., Aliments et boissons venture on VC4A

*In the market, there is the inadequacy of natural, fresh, nutritional, and healthy foodstuffs which
enhance ease, flexibility, and convenience in the preparation of different recipes, especially at home. In
Kenya only, there are 12,143,900 households (2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census) with a
current annual growth rate of over 200,000 households. In an article, Dr. Bitange Ndemo –
Associate Professor University of Nairobi Business School, he wrote, “There is a quiet revolution in the
food industry. It’s driven by increasing demand for healthy, convenient, functional, and transparent
food…the food opportunity is 10 times bigger than the global software market.”
overall decline of manufacturing production growth by 3.7% (Kenya 2020 Economic Survey).
*More than 30% of the Carrots and Pumpkins go to waste due to overproduction or poor market
We are solving this by processing and selling whole Pumpkin & whole Carrot Powder, including seeds & skin.

Secteurs Aliments et boissons, Production alimentaire, Fabrication
Emplacement Nyandarua, Kenya
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