A Cozinha by António Loureiro Nature and all she has to offer is what truly inspires us.

Cover image of A Cozinha by António Loureiro, Business services venture on VC4A

A Cozinha by António Loureiro

A Cozinha by António Loureiro

Nature and all she has to offer is what truly inspires me; the colours and aromas of field, woodland and sea, culinary landscapes painted with passion and creativity. A cuisine of memories, emotion and respect for seasonal produce. We are totally committed to sustainable eating and strive to pursue a policy of near zero focused on near zero Km (local production), near zero waste, use the resources responsibly and be a socially responsible Company. Our purpose is to do well doing well that is why we also use the art of cooking as a motto to induce in our suppliers, clients and community the respect for what Nature is giving us to cook. All our suppliers are chosen according to our own values of respect for products and for people, commitment to sustainability and to acting in an environmentally friendly way. We are a Michelin Stared restaurant but we also are Green key awarded. Green Key award is the leading standard for excellence in the field of environmental responsibility .

Sectors Business services, Financial services, Hospitality
Location Guimarães, Portugal
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