Митлесс/Meatless Meatless develops and manufactures plant-based meat food products such as burgers, sausages and vegetable chicken fillets. The company’s mission is to reduce the volume of meat consumption in Russia. We make marketing research to understant what current customers demand in order to form such an offer that will not require them to change their consuption patterns but will result in a more effective distribution of natural resourses. We apply a systematic approach, acurate finance and operational planning along with control. We establish our company on the principles of labour division, responsibilty-sharing. It allows us to improve the perfomance of the buisness proccesses. We interact with raw materials suppliers and participate in research and development process. I belive we have a prospective buisness project because we do our best to attract more investments and expand. Sectors Food production Location Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation Stage Sign in to view details Markets Sign in to view details Customer model Sign in to view details Contact Sign in to view details Social media