VC4A Venture Showcase Africa – 2023

Connecting innovative startups with investors


We’re looking for African founders leading innovative and disruptive startups and scaleups ready to showcase their business to the most active investors on the continent. Are you operating in Africa, generating revenue, and looking to raise your Seed or Series A round? Here is the opportunity to accelerate your fundraising campaign!

The aim of the Venture Showcase is to put the spotlight on the best ventures coming up across the African continent and to give you the visibility you deserve amongst VC4A’s network of investors. Since its launch in 2017, the VC4A Venture Showcase Africa alumni have raised over $630M, so check our programs, apply and boost your venture’s exposure.

The Venture Showcase is sector agnostic and celebrates entrepreneurs building deeply meaningful solutions in any sector. We focus on high growth high-impact ventures that are driving economic growth throughout the continent.

This year’s Venture Showcase is brought to you in partnership with the African European Digital Innovation Bridge (AEDIB) and Work in Progress. The AEDIB partnership allows for us to spotlight four thematic sectors, alongside our regular Seed and Series A tracks.This means we’ll have a total of six tracks for this year:

  • Seed
  • Series A

  • Climate Smart Agriculture
  • Smart Cities
  • Digital Trade
  • Clean Tech

The African European digital Innovation Bridge (AEDIB) program is an EU/Horizon2020-funded initiative, aiming to a.o. accelerate the growth of African startups with disruptive solutions in Climate Smart Agriculture*, Smart Cities*, Digital Trade* or Clean Tech*, in one of the following countries: Cameroon, Côte D’Ivoire, Egypt, Kenya, Morocco, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia and Uganda.

As part of those programs, companies get visibility with investors throughout the selection and interview process. Similarly, the finalists receive mentorship and technical advice directly from the angel investors and VC fund managers that participate in the program. The Venture Showcase and AEDIB are an effective way to get visibility for your fundraising campaign and to connect with prospective investors and partners.

VC4A Venture Showcase Africa – 2023

VC4A Venture Showcase Africa – 2023


November 8, 2023
Program dates Jul 3-Sep 30, 2023
Organizer VC4A
Targets Africa
Sectors Sector agnostic
SDG (17) All

What we offer

  • Being recognized as 2023 VC4A Venture Showcase entrepreneur;
  • Participation in the VC4A Venture Showcase deal room, including 200+ early-stage investor organizations;
  • Investor Readiness Training (IRT), mentorship and technical support by partnering VC investors and corporates;
  • Access to VC4A technical partners, masterclasses and special deals;
  • Professionally edited 3-minute virtual pitch;
  • 30 min deep-dive session with investors in a private room;
  • Joining the alumni network and having exclusive access to partner events and fundraising opportunities.

Selected entrepreneurs commit to attending the technical sessions, be proactive when engaging with his/her mentor, and take part in the M&E exercises. Selected entrepreneurs are expected to cover their own costs if they elect to participate in any in-person events.

Eligibility criteria

  • Company is for-profit and registered as an independent legal entity;

  • A product or service available on the market and generates revenue;

  • A product or service is clearly creating (measurable) ‘impact;

  • A product is designed for scale, with clear potential for regional/international expansion;

  • A very strong management team with preferably 2 to 3 people;

  • Based in and targeting one or more countries in Africa;

  • At least one of the founders has an African nationality.

While there will be exceptions, most likely the startup has already received external investment, structured as either debt, convertible notes, SAFEs, equity or mezzanine, and/or received grants from donor organizations.

Preferential categories

*Climate Smart Agriculture, Climate Smart Agriculture refers to a range of proven and innovative practices that can deliver triple wins for agricultural production: increase productivity, strengthen climate resilience and reduce agriculture’s greenhouse gas emissions.

*Smart Cities, innovations or digital technologies that improve the operational efficiency of a city (transportation, utilities, waste, education, healthcare and security) promote economic growth or improve the quality of government services, by improving connectivity and leveraging mobility and commerce application – Also, residents of these smart cities can have better access to information concerning government, political rights, and democratic procedures, and can actively participate in political proceedings.

*Digital Trade, refers to digitally enabled, or digitally delivered, trade in goods and services. It includes, innovations that can help reduce the environmental footprint for buying, paying for and receiving deliveries of goods and services. Solutions that connect purchasers and sellers, facilitate electronic payments, improve access to transportation and logistics within a country but also cross-borders.

*Clean Tech, innovations that can address global warming challenges and the preservation of the natural environment. So any solutions that have significant energy efficiency improvements and/or make a sustainable use of natural resources. Clean technology can relate to recycling, renewable energy, information technology, green transportation, electric motors, green chemistry, lighting, water, and more.

Selection Criteria

  • Innovativeness and Scalability (20%) – Company addresses a real problem in the market in a clearly innovative way. Your product or service is different to others in the industry. Your business model is new, disruptive and designed for scale.
  • Social, economic and/or environmental impact (20%) – Company addresses a social, economic and/or environmental issue and is able to show the impact your product or service is making in the lives of people on the African continent.
  • Strategy for Growth (20%) – There is potential to expand into new markets or expand at home. You have a clear strategy on how to grow your impact and we can see demonstrable progress in terms of customer acquisition plans, new contracts, and key partnerships.
  • Management team (20%) – The team has the qualifications and experience needed to make the business successful.
  • Market Traction & Financials (20%) – We will evaluate your market traction and look at the potential market size. We will also look at your business model, revenue streams and unit economics, and if any outside funding has been raised before.


Recent Alumni Funding Raise

Since 2017 we have been instrumental in the success of hundreds of startups that participated in the Venture Showcase resulting in over $630M being raised by portfolio companies. Below is a look at some of the most recent alumni funding raises:

What we expect from you

If you are selected for the Showcase, you are expected to:

  • Engage with assigned mentors (partner VC investors) and VC4A team to prepare your 3-minute and 20-minute presentations, as well as 2-pagers with investor data as part of the deal book;
  • Be prepared to pitch and engage with VC investors in the period of – November & December and be part of the VC4A Venture Showcase and the Africa Early Stage Investor Summit 2023 (#AESIS2023). 


  • Application period – April 10-May 17
  • Selection process / investor review / interviews – May-July
  • Showcase participants selection – end July
  • Mentorship program with VC investors – September & October
  • Technical sessions with VC investors – September & October
  • Launch of VC4A Venture Showcase – deal room to VC investors – November & December

Selection Committee

Hope Ditlhakanyane
Founders Factory Africa
Hassen Arfaoui
216 Capital Ventures
Hope Ditlhakanyane
Founders Factory Africa
David Song
Frontend Ventures
Gideon Laux
Advance Consulting
Henry Ukoha
Gry Loseth
Pin Invest
Rodrique Msechu
Serengeti Angels
Sewu-Steve Tawia
Jaza Rift Ventures, Asime Ventures
Snider Mugese
Villgro Africa
Lucien Peters
Everyone Ventures
Amadi Growman
Villgro Africa
Christophe de Montille
Beyond Capital Ventures
Melissa Tickle
FINCA Ventures
Micah Sarkas
Edge Growth
Nitin Nowjee
LeapFrog Investments
Anton Gaylard
Crossfin Technology Holdings
Micheal Karaimu
ViKtoria Ventures
Lesego Tladinyane
Newtown Partners
Aditya Raja Ram
Acumen Property Group and Botho Park
Yvonne Ofosu-Appiah
Wangara Green Ventures
Oluwatosin Ajide
Nigeria Climate Innovation Center
Kayuri Bhimani
Blue Haven Initiative

Investor Network

Browse all investor organizations when you have your venture profile registered on the VC4A platform.

Your investor organization not on the list? Join the VC4A investor network with other like-minded investors and get access to tailor-made content and curated deal flow.

Partner Organization 4Di Capital image of Di ColourPartner Organization 4DX Ventures image of DX LogoPartner Organization 500 Global image of Partner Organization A15 image of A LogoPartner Organization AAIC Holdings image of AAICPartner Organization Abuja Angel Network image of AANPartner Organization Accion image of Accion APartner Organization Accra Angels Network image of AccraPartner Organization image of AcumenPartner Organization Adenia Partners image of AdeniaPartner Organization Adlevo Capital image of Adlevo JpgPartner Organization Adventure Capital image of AdPartner Organization Africa Tech Ventures (ATV) image of Africa Tech VenturesPartner Organization Africinvest image of AfricInvestPartner Organization AHL Venture Partners image of AHL LogoPartner Organization Alitheia Capital image of AtheliaPartner Organization Allan Gray Orbis Foundation image of AllanPartner Organization Amref Health Africa image of AmrefPartner Organization Atlantica Ventures image of Logo AVPartner Organization image of AUC AngelsPartner Organization Balloon Ventures image of DownloadPartner Organization Bamboo Capital Partners image of BambooPartner Organization BECO Capital image of DownloadPartner Organization BESTSELLER FOUNDATION image of De E D Cbdd BpfullPartner Organization image of BetaPartner Organization Better Ventures image of DownloadPartner Organization Beyond Capital Fund image of DownloadPartner Organization BFA Global image of Bfa LogoPartner Organization BlackPearl Financial Group image of BpholdingPartner Organization Blue Haven Initiative LLC image of LogoPartner Organization image of BreegaPartner Organization Brightmore Capital image of BrightmorePartner Organization C5 Capital image of DownloadPartner Organization Cameroon Angels Network image of CAN LogoPartner Organization image of CapriaPartner Organization CBO capital image of CboPartner Organization CDC Group image of DownloadPartner Organization image of Chalo VenturesPartner Organization image of Chandaria CapitalPartner Organization Chanzo Capital image of DownloadPartner Organization Comoe Capital image of DownloadPartner Organization Compass Venture Capital image of CompassPartner Organization Consonance Investment Manager image of ConsonancePartner Organization Convergence Partners image of Convergence Picture Placeholder XPartner Organization Cordaid Investment Management image of DownloadPartner Organization CRE Venture Capital image of PEu KNkz XPartner Organization Creadev image of DownloadPartner Organization CrossBoundary image of DownloadPartner Organization Crossfin Technology Holdings image of CrossfinPartner Organization Dazzle Angels image of DazzlePartner Organization Diabs image of DownloadPartner Organization DiGAME Investment Company image of Screen Shot AtPartner Organization Digital Horizon image of DownloadPartner Organization DOB Equity image of Partner Organization E4E Africa image of E E Africa VC APartner Organization EAVCA image of SH OaVb 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Organization image of Global Innovation FundPartner Organization Global Partnerships/Eleos Social Venture Fund image of GPPartner Organization Golden Palm Investments image of Golden PalmPartner Organization Goodwell Investments image of GsJZKi T XPartner Organization Gray Matters Capital / coLABS image of Colabs LogoPartner Organization GreenHouse Capital image of Teal BackgroundPartner Organization image of Grey Elephant VenturesPartner Organization GroFin image of Grofin LogoPartner Organization Ground Squirrel Ventures image of DownloadPartner Organization Growth Capital by CcHub image of Gc Fund LogoPartner Organization GSMA Innovation Fund image of White GSMA Symbol Red RGBPartner Organization GV (Google Ventures) image of DownloadPartner Organization Havaic image of Untitled DesignPartner Organization Helios Investment partners image of DownloadPartner Organization HEVA Fund image of HEVAPartner Organization HIMangel image of HimPartner Organization Hlayisani Capital image of HlyasiniPartner Organization Hoaq Club image of Screenshot AtPartner Organization Hummingbird Ventures image of DownloadPartner Organization IFC image of Ifc LogoPartner Organization INCO Group image of Inco Noir Bleu FacebookPartner Organization Injaro Investments image of Injaro LogoPartner Organization Invested Development image of InvestedPartner Organization Investisseurs & Partenaires image of Logo SquarePartner Organization iungo capital image of IungoPartner Organization image of Jozi AngelsPartner Organization JUA FUND image of JUAPartner Organization image of KappafrikPartner Organization Kepple Africa Ventures image of KepplePartner Organization Kingson Capital image of Screen Shot AtPartner Organization Kinyungu Ventures image of DownloadPartner Organization Knife Capital image of V Q HruvwdPartner Organization Kupanda Capital image of DownloadPartner Organization Kuramo Capital Management image of KuramoPartner Organization Kuwekeza Holdings image of Screenshot AtPartner Organization Lagos Angel Network image of LAN LogoPartner Organization Lateral Frontiers VC image of Lat F Logo PxPartner Organization Le Bleu Ventures image of DownloadPartner Organization LeapFrog Investments image of DownloadPartner Organization LoftyInc Capital image of LoftyPartner Organization MNF Ventures image of MarocPartner Organization Mbadala Impact Fund / SSC Capital image of DownloadPartner Organization MCB Capital Markets image of DownloadPartner Organization Mercy Corps Ventures image of MCVPartner Organization MEST Africa image of MEST Africa ChallengePartner Organization Microtraction image of MicroPartner Organization Mitsubishi image of DownloadPartner Organization MNF Angels – Part of MITC Capital image of KdOynF XPartner Organization MTI Investment image of DownloadPartner Organization Musha Ventures image of DownloadPartner Organization Nedbank Venture Capital image of ImagePartner Organization Newfund image of DownloadPartner Organization Newtown Partners image of TnBUnab XPartner Organization Novastar Ventures image of NovastarPartner Organization Oasis Capital Partners image of Oasis Cap LogoPartner Organization image of OikocreditPartner Organization Omidyar Network image of TB OOPH XPartner Organization Optimizer Foundation image of Cropped Optimizerfoundation LogoPartner Organization Orange Ventures Africa & Middle East image of OV Logo Carr LargePartner Organization Oui Capital image of DownloadPartner Organization Outlierz Ventures image of OutPartner Organization Paper Plane Ventures image of Zlp NeilsibtgupfadspPartner Organization Partech Ventures image of Partech Logo NewPartner Organization Persistent image of DownloadPartner Organization PG Impact Investments image of DownloadPartner Organization Plug and Play image of LabEight LogoPartner Organization Proparco image of Proparco SquarelogoPartner Organization Naspers Foundry image of Prosus LockupPartner Organization Public Investment Corporation image of E C B Eaa B DPartner Organization Quona Capital image of QuonaPartner Organization Rally Cap Ventures image of Partner Organization Rebel One Ventures image of DownloadPartner Organization Renew Capital image of Renew Capital Banner Logo In Full ColorPartner Organization responsAbility image of ResponsabilityPartner Organization Ripple VC image of BER Jwmc XPartner Organization Rising Tide Africa image of Rt Logo LargePartner Organization Rockstart image of Logo RockPartner Organization Sahara Ventures image of Sahara Ventures LogoPartner Organization Samurai Incubate image of SamuraiPartner Organization Savannah Fund image of CFi E XPartner Organization Saviu Ventures image of SaviuVenturesPartner Organization Sawari Ventures image of SawariPartner Organization Segal Family Foundation image of DownloadPartner Organization Shell Foundation image of ShellPartner Organization Silvertree Internet Holdings image of Tree Image Square SilverPartner Organization Sinergi Niger image of DownloadPartner Organization Singularity Investments image of SingularityPartner Organization South Suez Capital image of South SuezPartner Organization image of SparkPartner Organization Spark Venture Fund image of Q YiVMAPartner Organization Startupbootcamp Afritech image of SBC AVI PngPartner Organization Teranga Capital image of Teranga Capital LogoPartner Organization The Cairo Angels image of Screen Shot At PMPartner Organization The Raba Partnership image of DownloadPartner Organization TLcom Capital LLP image of TLCOM LogoPartner Organization Total Carbon Neutrality Ventures image of Logo For The Website XPartner Organization Triple Jump / Dutch Good Growth Fund image of DownloadPartner Organization TriVest image of Screen Shot AtPartner Organization Uncap image of DownloadPartner Organization Uncovered Fund image of UncoveredPartner Organization Velocity Capital image of VelocityPartner Organization Venture Capital Trust Fund image of Vc LogoPartner Organization Venture Garden Group image of 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Name Country Sector(s)
Pharmacy Marts
the easiest way to refill your pharmacy’s medications list
Egypt E-commerce, HealthTech, Pharmaceuticals
Transforming trade in Africa
United Kingdom Blockchain, Fintech, Machine learning
Africa's largest car-sharing marketplace
Nigeria Internet, Leisure and travel, Transport and logist…
Emata Uganda Limited
We dare farmers to dream big!
Uganda Agribusiness, Fintech
Duhqa is a last mile end to end supply chain & distribution technology
Kenya E-commerce, Logistics, Retail and wholesale
Winich Farms
Connecting food producers with informal processors directly
Nigeria Agritech, Fintech, Transport and logistics
Vendy Limited
A marketplace on whatsapp
Nigeria E-commerce, Online payment processing
The leading ai-assisted teleradiology platform in the mea region
Egypt Healthcare, Healthcare providers and services
Transforming Traditional Retail in Africa
Nigeria E-commerce, Fintech, Retail and wholesale
Amazon for informal retailers
United States of America E-commerce, Fintech, Wholesale
An Address for every one
Kenya Logistics
B2B agri-supply chain platform leveraging data and technology.
Egypt Agribusiness

