develoPPP Ventures selects 9 start-ups in Nigeria and South Africa to receive €100,000 non-dilutive capital… develoPPP Ventures, a funding programme of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ, has selected 9 start-ups… read more
New funding opportunity for South African start-ups GIZ brings develoPPP Ventures to South Africa. If the application is successful, start-ups can receive a grant of EUR 100,000 to scale up their… read more
Expanding the pool of business mentors in South Africa, Zambia and Botswana VC4A is excited to announce its new Mentor-Driven Capital (MDC) program launching in South Africa, Zambia and Botswana in February 2020, with support from… read more
Fanning Africa’s glowing embers of angel investment opportunities ‘Angel investing is on the rise across Africa.’ This is a commonly heard phrase for those of us active in the early-stage investment space… read more