Online Job Interview Platform looking for Mentors to figure out Growth… Fundraising: Intros, Coaching and Data room prep Growth Engine: Hiring sales teams and crafting processes the team would work with to succes…
Capital Strategy • diagnose the optimal source role for capital over t… We have large customers and large numbers of customers waiting for new features. Many of the needs and goals among companies are shared. Our…
On-demand skilled labour startup looking for mentor who can improve bu… We would like guidance on how best to approach potential investors, the negotiation process and how to manage financial risk. We would also …
Credit scoring startup looking for fundraising mentor Our request is to have a mentor who is a guru on matters fundraising and scale up, including having the networks that can help… read more
Nigerian agri-tech startup looking for a mentor to improve internal bu… Our company is growing and it is important that we have structures and processes established firmly. We are requesting a mentor that can gui…
Online church management service looking for mentorship in business pr… We would like to discuss how to better structure the collaboration with our technical partner. And we would like to work with our mentor… re…
Insurance comparison startup looking for growth mentor to support fund… We are loooking to connect with investors who are interested in helping to scale an insurance technology start up.
Kenyan field sales automation startup looking for growth mentor I would like us to work on strategy, team development and management. I need mentorship on improving the company systems and need help with……
Looking for a mentor to help scale rental management solution in Kenya We are looking for a mentor who can work with us on making the application a must-have for any rental organization or property employee/owne…
Agritech blockchain startup looking for growth mentorship Talent Search: We have a problem getting the right people with the right qualifications, self-driven and the passion. Currently we’re integr…
Utilities pre-payment startup looking for mentorship on enterprise and… We are looking for a mentor who understands and is willing to guide us to grow our sales for our enterprise application. A mentor… read more
Kenyan online marketing platform looking for a growth mentor to work o… With my mentor, I would like to work on the business development aspect and managing growth, especially since we are very optimistic that we…
Startup delivering online CRM service for retail SME’s looking f… We’d like to get mentor-ship on growth hacking & identifying the KPIs to track for growth of our business. Mentor-ship on Fundrais…
Startup using data to solve challenges of operations in the field for … With our mentor we would like to work on streamlining our operational process, as well as helping us tell our story right and highlighting… …
Ed-Tech Startup looking for mentor to improve organizational structuri… I hope the mentor will guide and be able to measure and monitor my progresses as the mentorship progresses.
Startup digitizing informal retail in Africa looking for a strategic b… Through my product Uzapoint, I transform small and medium-sized businesses to stop operate like Dukas and start operating like supermarkets …
Kenyan financial technology solutions startup looking for mentor to su… We would like to be connected to a mentor who can guide us to refine our communications to potential investors, guidance on packaging our… r…
Kenyan enterprise SaaS company seeking to scale its products We are looking for a mentor who is an expert in Enterprise SaaS to assist us with marketing strategies, team development, and sustainable pr…
Looking for a product development and management mentor We would really appreciate a mentor with quality experience in product development and management. Preferably someone who has built a succes…
Online estate planning platform looking for growth mentor With our mentor we would like to work on the following items: 1. Revalidation of our business model 2. Product packaging 3. Marketing to… re…
Enterprise software startup looking for a mentor with experience in bu… We want to work with mentor with wealth of experience in building strategic partnerships with with banks, public institutions and intl NGOs
Agritech startup seeking marketing mentorship We are seeking an experienced marketing professional to assist us with our marketing strategy and converting potential clients into paying o…
Creative travel venture looking for growth mentor I would like to work on plans to expand the business. We need help with marketing strategies as well as scaling and diversifying our… read m…
Print tech startup looking for a mentor with experience in scaling bus… We will like to work on the following with our prospective Mentor: Scalability Strategies: We will like our mentor to guide us on the… read …
Mentor needed to scale innovative furniture design and e-commerce comp… Issues I will like to work on with my mentor are: 1.How to create scale-able standard operating procedures that are profitable in any market…
Nigerian multi niche e-commerce company looking for a growth phase men… I will like to learn from a mentor that has been through the growth phase of a business and how they managed it. These… read more
Nigerian power solutions business looking for a mentor to support fund… We are looking for a mentor to guide our team on the most efficient route to access inexpensive debt financing options to finance inventory……
Kenyan ed-tech company looking for a marketing and branding strategy m… We’re looking for a mentor that can advise and critic strategies of prioritizing the most cost effective channels with the highest con…
Kenyan commercial cooling startup looking for business growth mentor We would like to be mentored by someone who understands the Kenyan agriculture value chains and industry, who can work with us on a… read mo…
Crowd-funded commercial farm looking for a mentor to create a better m… Our next milestone is to expand our operations to 1000 acres by the year 2020 and there is a need to put a business… read more
Career-advancing opportunities startup looking for creative marketing … The pre-launch of the MUDiA Hub App has been a success. It is currently available on Google Play Store and will be launched…