Semillas de Impacto- Sostenibilidad en modelos de negocio

Because sustainability can be part of the business model

On the event

On May 25 and June 1, a virtual meeting and a workshop called “Impact Semillas, Sustainability in Business Business Models” are held, oriented to organizations, chambers, business associations, private companies and entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs who are engaged in the production, marketing and distribution of food.  

The virtual meeting is planned on May 25 at 10h in the morning through the zoom platform and has the support of the Global Compact and the Organization of Deres, concerning sustainability and adoption of the 2030 agenda, as well as with the dissemination and support of the National Development Agency (ANDE) and the Chamber of Industries of Uruguay. In this instance, government authorities and the organizations involved will participate in the central role of the private sector for sustainable development, as well as representatives of some companies that seek to generate positive impacts for the economy, society and the environment.  

The workshop will be in in-person mode, on June 1, also at 10 hours. For this second instance, registrations are received to complete the capacity.

These activities seek to strengthen the adoption of a sustainable agenda in the country and promote social, economic and environmentally sustainable practices in agro-food businesses in Uruguay, in the framework of a working agreement signed between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Civil Association System B Uruguay, which started in January this year.  

The first stage of this initiative was to learn about the degree of

This next stage of virtual meeting and workshop provides, more specifically, to make known successful experiences (best practices) and tools available so that companies in the sector can quantify and improve their impact on the economic, environmental and social dimensions.

In short, it is about inspiring and informing people who want to engage with sustainable development through their ventures and businesses.

More information


May 25, 2022: 10:00 - 13:00
Organizer Sistema B | Uruguay
Website Visit website
Targets Uruguay
Sectors Food production