Pacto Global Bolivia

The Global Compact (Global Compact) is a mandate of the United Nations that works for a more sustainable and inclusive global economy, which promotes the implementation of 10 Principles universally in areas of Human Rights, Labor Standards, Transparency and Anti-Corruption and the Environment to form part of the strategy and operations of companies and to facilitate actions so that companies can work towards the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Global Compact, has more than 13,000 signatories in more than 160 countries, This is the largest voluntary enterprise social responsibility initiative in the world, supported by the CEOs of the companies that make it, highlighting as a practical framework for developing, implementing and disseminating business sustainability policies and practices, offering its signatories a wide range of resources and management tools to help them implement business models and sustainable development.
This non-binding initiative is aimed at companies, trade unions and other organizations of society. Civil society, who voluntarily assume the commitment to implement the principles mentioned above in their daily activities. In addition to being accountable to society, with publicity and transparency, of the progress it makes in this process of implementation, through the elaboration of Progress Reports.

Pacto Global Bolivia

Pacto Global Bolivia


Website Visit website
Location La Paz, Bolivia
Targets Bolivia
Sectors Business services
SDG (2)
17. Partnerships to achieve the Goal, 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
